MDE8255 Interface Page

Using VC++ 6.0 for Windows NT/2K/XP

The MDE8255LPT-1 board requires a Hardware Driver and DLL. We have provided that interface here. The test files and driver have been tested under Microsoft Windows XP and 2000.

Driver Setup :

Code Examples using VC++ :

Code Examples using INLINE ASM with VC++ :

Additional information

Notes: The example programs use address 0x378, you will have to change the source code and recompile if this is not the address of your parallel port Example files from the x86 Book are coming soon.

If you do not use the Workspace Code Skeleton, you will have to install the MDEDRIVERDLL.LIB file in your workspace every time you create a new project.

Current MDEDriverDLL.DLL version is v1.200