Please order the correct monitor firmware for your Dragon12 board.
If you use Code Warrior IDE, you need the Serial Monitor firmware to be pre-installed.
If you use AsmIDE or MiniIDE, you need the D-Bug12 Monitor firmware to be pre-installed.
If you order the wrong monitor firmware, you need to return it for re-programming.
It will only cause a delay and extra shipping cost.
Which monitor firmware should you get?
  D-Bug12 or Serial Monitor?

Warning:  We will not accept international orders without our approval
Please email us to get our approval before placing your order.

  Part Number Description Price  
DVB-023DB Dragon12-Light-DB Rev. D
Dragon12-Light kit pre-installed with Freescale Bootloader and D-Bug12 monitor for ASCII based terminal programs, like AsmIDE. It does not communicate with Code Warrior debugger.

DVB-023SM Dragon12-Lighjt-SM Rev. D
Dragon12-Light kit pre-installed with Freescale serial monitor for CodeWarrior, Matlab, and Simulink. It does not communicate with any ASCII based terminal programs.






DVB-022V2-F446 EduBase-V2-F446
Trainer board for Tiva & MSP432 Launchpads, Nucleo-F031K6 and Nucleo-F446RE without adapters.

The part # on the board is EDUBASE-F446.



DVB-011 DF12P-C128 kit
MC9S12C128-CFA25 based 40-pin DIP Dragonfly12 C128 module kit





One US dollar payment
