New SmallPICO-V3-02
New SmallPICO-V3-02 features: 1. The newest ESP32 PICO chip, PICO-V3-02. 2. 32-bit 240 MHz Dual Core, 8 MB internal flash and 2 MB internal PSRAM. 3. 2.4 GHz Wifi, 802.11b/g/n and Bluetooth BLE 4.2. 4. 3.3V, 700mA LDO. 5. The reversing current blocking diode D2 (BAT20J) is rated at 1A with low leakage current. 6. 17 GPIOs including 4 JTAG pins are broken out. 7. Standard WS2812B RGB. The RGB is turned off when it's not in use. It will extend battery life. 8. 5V power LED indicator and 5V presence detection. 9. User LED. 10. Whip ANT offers great receiving sensitivity for Wi-Fi communication. 11. Larger RESET pushbutton does not hurt your finger. 12. On board QWIIC connector with power on/off control for external sensors. 13. Includes a set of low profile male and female headers and a 2-pin JST LiPo battery connector. 14. Size: 1.25" X 0.511" or 31.75mm X 12.98mm. 15. Pin spacing: X--0.1", Y--0.4".
Unique features on the new SmallPICO-V3-02 board 1. A digital switch is added to turn off the battery level test circuit after the test is done. It will reduce deep sleep current significantly. 2. With a Low Pass Filter, the battery charge status LED does not flicker when a battery is not connected. 3. Pin-out is designed for connecting TFT and OLED displays without wiring on a breadboard, leaving more space for your circuits.
New SmallPICO-V3-02 assembly Instructions are similar to the SmallPICO assembly instructions.
The SmallPICO-V3-02 board is pre-loaded with a test sketch and it will blink
all output pins including the user LED at GPIO13.
Example Programs:
All example programs are tested with Arduino IDE 1.8.19 and Espressif 2.0.9.
Arduino Installation
The SmallPICO-V3-02 is not shown on the Arduino board list,
but you can use it as a
ESP32 V2
In Arduino IDE click Tools-->Board,
then select the Adafruit's
ESP32 V2
for using
the SmallPICO-V3-02.
Driver for CP2104 USB to UART bridge
Diver for CH9102F USB to UART bridge https://learn.adafruit.com/how-to-install-drivers-for-wch-usb-to-serial-chips/windows-driver-installation
SmallPICO-V3-02 pinmap:
Example Programs: Schematic: