NanoboyC6-JR Example Programs
In order to run example programs you need to install
Arduino IDE first if you have not installed.
The NanoboyC6-JR is not shown on the ESP32 Arduino board list,
you can use it as the ESP32-C6 DEV board of Espresssif Systems.
Update the Arduino IDE to newest 2.2.1, then update the
ESP32 core to the newest version 3.0.0alpha. click Tools-->Board, then select the Espressif's "ESP32C6 Dev Module" for using the
NanoboyC6-JR. After selecting the board type, make sure that the USB CDC On Boot is enabled. This will allow the serial monitor to work when your sketch is running. The NanoboyC6-JR board is pre-loaded with a test sketch and it will blink all output pins including the user LED at GPIO21.Before soldering 2 male headers make sure that the NanoboyC6-JR board can blink the GPIO21 LED with your Arduino IDE. If it can't, troubleshoot the problem first before going further. If you can't Blink-A-LED before soldering, you won't be able to Blink-A-LED after soldering.
After you successfully ran the Blink-A-LED you can
assemble it now.
assembly Instructions are similar to the
assembly instructions.
Download the following Example Programs in a zip file All example programs are tested with Arduino IDE 2.2.1 and Espressif 3.0.0a. You must use the newest IDE and ESP32 core for a C6 board.
added a blinking LED to indicate the start of a WiFi
scan. After testing many different antennas we feel that
the whip antenna offers a high signal strength and
wide coverage. We added both whip antenna and UFL
antenna on this board. You can use either one.
can compare it with all other ESP32 boards that you may have, you
will find out how good the whip antenna is.