/* p6_2: Toggle red LED on PF1 continuously. Upon pressing either SW1 or SW2, the green or blue LED will toggle three times. main program toggles red LED while waiting for interrupt from SW1 or SW2. notice in Table 6-7, IRQ30 is assigned to PORTF */ #include "TM4C123GH6PM.h" void delayMs(int n); int main(void) { SYSCTL->RCGCGPIO |= 0x20; /* enable clock to PORTF */ /* PORTF0 has special function, need to unlock to modify */ GPIOF->LOCK = 0x4C4F434B; /* unlock commit register */ GPIOF->CR = 0x01; /* make PORTF0 configurable */ GPIOF->LOCK = 0; /* lock commit register */ /* configure PORTF for switch input and LED output */ GPIOF->DIR &= ~0x11; /* make PORTF4 input for switch */ GPIOF->DIR |= 0x0E; /* make PORTF3, 2, 1 output for LEDs */ GPIOF->DEN |= 0x1F; /* make PORTF4-0 digital pins */ GPIOF->PUR |= 0x11; /* enable pull up for PORTF4, 0 */ /* configure PORTF4, 0 for falling edge trigger interrupt */ GPIOF->IS &= ~0x11; /* make bit 4, 0 edge sensitive */ GPIOF->IBE &= ~0x11; /* trigger is controlled by IEV */ GPIOF->IEV &= ~0x11; /* falling edge trigger */ GPIOF->ICR |= 0x11; /* clear any prior interrupt */ GPIOF->IM |= 0x11; /* unmask interrupt */ /* enable interrupt in NVIC and set priority to 3 */ NVIC->IP[30] = 3 << 5; /* set interrupt priority to 3 */ NVIC->ISER[0] |= 0x40000000; /* enable IRQ30 (D30 of ISER[0]) */ __enable_irq(); /* global enable IRQs */ /* toggle the red LED (PF1) continuously */ while(1) { GPIOF->DATA |= 0x02; delayMs(500); GPIOF->DATA &= ~0x02; delayMs(500); } } /* SW1 is connected to PF4 pin, SW2 is connected to PF0. Both of them trigger PORTF interrupt */ void GPIOF_Handler(void) { int i; volatile int readback; while (GPIOF->MIS != 0) { if (GPIOF->MIS & 0x10) /* is it SW1(PF4)? */ { /* GPIOF4 pin interrupt */ /* toggle green LED (PF3) three times */ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { GPIOF->DATA |= 0x08; delayMs(500); GPIOF->DATA &= ~0x08; delayMs(500); } GPIOF->ICR |= 0x10; /* clear the interrupt flag */ readback = GPIOF->ICR; /* a read to force clearing of interrupt flag */ } else if (GPIOF->MIS & 0x01) /* then it must be SW2(PF0) */ { /* GPIOF0 pin interrupt */ /* toggle blue LED (PF2) three times */ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { GPIOF->DATA |= 0x04; delayMs(500); GPIOF->DATA &= ~0x04; delayMs(500); } GPIOF->ICR |= 0x01; /* clear the interrupt flag */ readback = GPIOF->ICR; /* a read to force clearing of interrupt flag */ } else { /* We should never get here. */ /* But if we do, clear all pending interrupts. */ GPIOF->ICR = GPIOF->MIS; readback = GPIOF->ICR; /* a read to force clearing of interrupt flag */ } } } /* delay n milliseconds (16 MHz CPU clock) */ void delayMs(int n) { int i, j; for(i = 0 ; i < n; i++) for(j = 0; j < 3180; j++) {} /* do nothing for 1 ms */ } /* This function is called by the startup assembly code to perform system specific initialization tasks. */ void SystemInit(void) { __disable_irq(); /* disable all IRQs */ /* Grant coprocessor access */ /* This is required since TM4C123G has a floating point coprocessor */ SCB->CPACR |= 0x00F00000; }