/* p3_1.c: Initialize and blink "Hello" on the LCD using 8-bit data mode. * It uses delay to wait out the time LCD controller is busy. * * Data pins use Port B07-00, control pins use Port A06-04. * This program does not poll the status of the LCD. * Timing is more relax than the HD44780 datasheet to accommodate the * variations among the LCD modules. * You may want to adjust the amount of delay to optimize performance. * * Tested with Atmel Studio 7 v7.0.1006 and Keil MDK-ARM v5.21a */ #include "samd21.h" #define RS 0x10 /* PA04 mask for Register Select*/ #define RW 0x20 /* PA05 mask for Read/Write */ #define EN 0x40 /* PA06 mask for Enable */ void delayMs(int n); void LCD_command(unsigned char command); void LCD_data(unsigned char data); void LCD_init(void); int main(void) { LCD_init(); for(;;) { LCD_command(1); /* clear display */ delayMs(500); LCD_command(0x80); /* set cursor at beginning of first line */ LCD_data('H'); /* write the word "Hello" */ LCD_data('e'); LCD_data('l'); LCD_data('l'); LCD_data('o'); delayMs(500); } } void LCD_init(void) { REG_PORT_DIRSET0 = RS | RW | EN; /* make PA06-04 pins output for control */ REG_PORT_DIRSET1 = 0x000000FF; /* make PB07-00 pins output for data */ delayMs(30); /* initialization sequence */ LCD_command(0x30); delayMs(10); LCD_command(0x30); delayMs(1); LCD_command(0x30); LCD_command(0x38); /* set 8-bit data, 2-line, 5x7 font */ LCD_command(0x06); /* move cursor right after each char */ LCD_command(0x01); /* clear screen, move cursor to home */ LCD_command(0x0F); /* turn on display, cursor blinking */ } /* send a command to the LCD controller */ void LCD_command(unsigned char command) { REG_PORT_OUTCLR0 = (RS | RW); /* RS = 0, R/W = 0 */ REG_PORT_OUTCLR1 = 0xFF; /* clear data bus */ REG_PORT_OUTSET1 = command; /* put command on data bus */ REG_PORT_OUTSET0 = EN; /* pulse E high */ delayMs(0); REG_PORT_OUTCLR0 = EN; /* clear E */ if (command < 4) delayMs(4); /* command 1, 2 need up to 1.64ms */ else delayMs(1); /* all others 40 us */ } /* send a byte of data to the LCD controller */ void LCD_data(unsigned char data) { REG_PORT_OUTSET0 = RS; /* RS = 1 */ REG_PORT_OUTCLR0 = RW; /* R/W = 0 */ REG_PORT_OUTCLR1 = 0xFF; /* clear data bus */ REG_PORT_OUTSET1 = data; /* put command on data bus */ REG_PORT_OUTSET0 = EN; /* pulse E high */ delayMs(0); REG_PORT_OUTCLR0 = EN; /* clear E */ delayMs(1); /* delay 40 us */ } /* millisecond delay based on 1 MHz system clock */ void delayMs(int n) { int i; for (; n > 0; n--) for (i = 0; i < 199; i++) __asm("nop"); }