AREA EXAMPLE4_8, CODE, READONLY ENTRY RAM_ADDR EQU 0x40000000 ;change the address for your ARM LDR R1,=RAM_ADDR ;R1 = RAM address AGAIN MOV R0,#0x55 ;R0 = 0x55 STRB R0,[R1] ;send it to RAM BL DELAY ;call delay (R14 = PC of next instruction) MOV R0,#0xAA ;R0 = 0xAA STRB R0,[R1] ;send it to RAM BL DELAY ;call delay B AGAIN ;keep doing it ;--------------------DELAY SUBROUTINE DELAY LDR R3,=5 ;R3 =5, modify this value for different size delay L1 SUBS R3,R3,#1 ;R3 = R3 - 1 BNE L1 BX LR ;return to caller ;--------------------end of DELAY subroutine END ;notice the place for END directive