AREA EXAMPLE4_4, CODE, READONLY ENTRY MOV R1,#0 ;clear high word (R1 = 0) MOV R0,#0 ;clear low word (R0 = 0) LDR R2,=0x99999999 ;R2 = 0x99999999 MOV R3,#10 ;counter L1 ADDS R0,R0,R2 ;R0 = R0 + R2 and update the flags BCC NEXT ;if C = 0, go to next number ADD R1,R1,#1 ;if C = 1, increment the upper word NEXT SUBS R3,R3,#1 ;R3 = R3 - 1 and update the flags BNE L1 ;next round if z = 0 HERE B HERE ;stay here END