;Sending message "YES" to HyperTerminal (or TeraTerminal) via Serial 0 COM port on MDE 8051 Trainer ;Tested by Mazidi ;This is Examples 10-3 from "The 8051 Microcontroller" textbook by Mazidis & McKinlay ;Download the program by putting the slide SW on PROG ;After the download is completed, put the slide SW on RUN and Reset the board and you will see the message "YES" will appear on ;screen ;Notice the Serial 0 COM port is the same as the one used to download the program to MDE8051 Trainer ORG 0 MOV TMOD,#20H MOV TH1,#-3 MOV SCON,#50H SETB TR1 AGAIN: MOV A,#"Y" ACALL TRANS MOV A,#"E" ACALL TRANS MOV A,#"S" ACALL TRANS SJMP AGAIN ;--------------------Data transfer TRANS: MOV SBUF,A HERE: JNB TI,HERE CLR TI RET ;------------------------ END